Feature Article: Managers - You may think you are ready for one, but do you know what they really do?by Mark E. Waterbury
Webster's dictionary defines a manager as "one who directs or carries on business or affairs." Musicians may have a different idea of what a manager is when they get to the level where they think that they need one. Looking for a manager supersedes trying to get a record deal for many fledgling bands, and it should; a manager can often help you get to the point where you can get signed. Too many musicians do not really know what a manager does before they sign up with one, and they really should have a better understanding of managers so they can have the proper perspectives and can work together with that manager to the benefit of all.
This article is dealing mostly with already established professional managers. Some managers may not have any more music industry experience than the band members they are working with. For example a significant other of a band member may become the manager, or in the case of a college band, a friend who may have no more experience then having attended your shows may take the reins. These types of managers are learning the hard way along side you. If your band is really to a point where you think you have the music, the drive and at least some success in your locality or region to take the next step, then you need a professional, experienced manager to guide you through the rough road that is the modern music industry. To understand what a manager does you should first understand what a manager does not do for the most part. A common misconception is that a manager is a financial investor in your band. There may be some managers who will invest some money in you although this is not the norm. For the most part, you have to realize that a manager is not the First National Bank and is not responsible for paying YOUR bills. They are trying to make money for you as well as themselves, and because managers work on a percentage basis without taking up front fees, in order to do that they need you to follow their lead to help you make money. The way they do that is providing you with their expertise and advice. Remember the dictionary's definition of "one who directs." That is the primary responsibility of a manager - to direct your career. They know the ins and outs of the business and can help you make the right decisions and avoid making costly mistakes. That is why they are on the business side of the music industry and you are on the creative side. They have worked closely with and are knowledgeable in the business tactics of professionals like A&R reps, booking agents, publishers and potential investors. Most bands and musicians will have at least some contact with these entities before they hire a manager, but the dealings tend to be peripheral and don't really delve into the inner workings of the biz.
Many bands also think when they hire a manager, they have also hired a booking agent and/or a publicist. There are managers who may help with some of those areas, but for the most part, managers do not find you shows or take care of your publicity. They can give you advice on how to get shows and tour on your own or how to get your career to a point where a booking agency may accept you into their roster, Some managers may actually contact the booking agencies for you. They can also give you suggestions on how to best promote your band to the various media outlets, but publicists are almost always hired for a fee. Since managers take a percentage, they may not have the time or capability to invest in actually being your publicist. Once again they can advise you on how to do your own publicity at first, and their overall strategies to make you money can get you to a point where you can afford to hire your own publicist. A highly important reason to get a knowledgeable manager is that they also can help protect you from getting screwed by those in the industry that prey on unknowledgeable wide-eyed musicians. They can walk you through all of the important steps of making sure you get all the money you are due, whether it is from royalties, publishing or licensing, merchandising or performance fees. Managers tend to be experts on contracts, so if you do get offered a label or publishing deal they can go over all the points with you and perhaps keep you from making a mistake. The manager is trying to make money for you so they can get paid. When you hire a manager, you should make sure they are knowledgeable in all the facets where you can make money with your music. You hire a manager so they can give you their expertise, but it is also important to realize that a manager is an integral part of your team. You have to work together with them so their plans to help bring you to a level of success come to fruition. When a manager suggests that you do something, they are doing so because their experience tells them this is something that will help to further your career. It does not hurt to ask questions if you honestly do not understand why a manager may ask you to do something. One mistake you should not make is to think that you know more about the business side of the music industry than your manager. If you do think you have a greater knowledge, why even hire a manager? Most bands and musicians do not have more than a peripheral knowledge of the inner workings of the music industry, but a lot of them seem to think they know more then they do. A quick way to cause friction between you and your manager is to argue with them or refuse to do something they suggest you do. You have to remind yourselves that managers have your best interests at heart. Don't feel that you can't suggest ideas to your manager, but when they suggest something to you, you really should consider it as gospel.
Of course there are dishonest managers out there so you have to be careful when hiring one. You want to check any references they have and talk to previous clients. When you do find a good manager, you need to heed the preceding advice so you know exactly what type of relationship you are getting yourself into. In order for a manager and their clients to become successful, it has to be a symbiotic relationship. It boils down to one pertinent rule of thumb: they know the business end, you know the creative side. If you keep that in mind, then you can help your manager steer you on the correct path to success.