Scott Turner's Song Publisher's Perspectiveby Scott Turner
A New Row To Hoe
I really can't take credit for this column, but rather the kudos go to my son Trevor who I have mentioned before re: his recording studio and engineering talent which is based in Sydney, Nova Scotia.
A few months ago, Trevor graced me with an x-box game system and not only had I never played one, I'd never seen one being played. Needless to say, I got totally hooked on the system (guess I've got to have one vice!) and from time to time, I got totally stuck in a game level so naturally, I called Trev (the game expert) to give ol' Dad a clue so I could continue.
Last week, while we were talking about games in general, Trevor brought up the subject of who does the music for various games. I looked through the few I have at hand and saved the ones that use movie themes (like the James Bond series of games). Many of them were done by new groups or individuals. I also noted in the credits (and what a list of credits most games have), that in every case a musical producer or musical director was listed.
Naturally, it will take some research on your end, but I would venture to state that every writer has some material that would be suitable for any number of new games being developed on a daily basis - worldwide. And there are scads of companies making these games - an average of 50,000 sales ain't bad - royalty-wise.
What would it take from your end? Perhaps an email to the music director asking what type of music are they seeking for future products and for permission to submit some of your songs if you feel they might fit. It sure is worth a shot because who may strike with exactly what they're looking for, and the best part is that if they react positively, you can negotiate your own deal with no middle man to worry about. I believe the game producers would love the one-to-one situation. If you happen to land an accommodating deal, guess who they're going to contact for their future projects - you got it - you!!
Thanks for the idea, Trev. You may have provided a whole new row to hoe for quite a few writers. Do you have to buy the game? No - just go to a used game outlet and look at the credits in the booklet that comes with each game and use that info to contact them.