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Affordable classified advertising reaching thousands of people in Music Morsels! 3 months for 15 bucks! Classifieds can be up to 10 lines long and we place your gif or jpeg on our web site with your ad along with publishing it in the ezine. Money orders and personal checks accepted payable to Music Morsels/Serge Ent. Must receive your ad with payment by the 25th of the month for inclusion in the upcoming issues.

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P.O. Box 2760
Acworth, GA 30102

Special thanks to all of our Music Morsels' Sponsors.
You are helping to build one of the finest music industry ezines on the Internet!

Junior Sponsors:
David Fiorenza/Blind Cat Music (, May 3, 2002

Executive Sponsors:
Scott Turner (
Ron Hamilton (JRHNET.COM) -

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