January 2006

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ALBUM CAPSULES by Mark E. Waterbury

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1. CD/DVD CAPSULES by Mark E. Waterbury

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Editor: Sandy Serge
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Mark E. Waterbury, Scott Turner


5Diana Lynn - Daydreams & Lullabies
Urth Mother Music - 7110
  The heartfelt music created by this impassioned L.A. singer/songwriter tugs at your emotions and makes you think about the subject matter. Predominately mellow, the music is still ear catching due to Dianas stunningly soulful voice. Aimed primarily at children in hopes they will grow up to promote world peace, the music still reaches out to all ages. With a lush back drop weaving world and light jazz styles, Diana has created a wonderful conveyance for her messages.

E-mail: dianalynn@dianalynnmusic.com



xMasque 811 - Infinite Love
Meek Records - MR4018
  This veteran Gospel ensemble delivers a stunning two CD set of inspiring and highly enjoyable music. CD 1 is a phenomenal live recording showcasing the bands mantra of weaving instrumental tracks, passionate preaching and heartfelt vocal work into their concert ministry. CD 2 is a veritable stew of styles ranging from Island to deep R&B and funky jazz. Backed by one of the hottest sounding bands in the jazz world, you can actually experience the faith this band is pouring forth. URL: http://www.meekrecords.com E-mail: masque4u@yahoo.com


xMoon - Flightlogs
Zone 8 Records - Z8005
  West Virginias rocking quartet Moon culls retro influences from the Kinks and the Beatles and fuels them with a modern punch that toys with pop punk. Anything At All displays great harmony vocals reminiscent of John and Paul, another welcome dimension. The vibe is edgy but contagious in a comforting way, with plenty of bold guitar riffs.
URL: http://www.thebandmoon.com E-mail: mpoole@labyrinth.net


xMon Frere - Real Vampires EP

Cake Records - Cake71012
  Mon Frere seems to be the latest innovative spawn of the Seattle music scene. A trio of keyboardist/female vocalist, guitarist, and drummer create a huge sound inspired by goth, punk, metal, horror movies and maybe a rabid snarl of jazz. R.V.D.G.S. (Fighting Mad) launches the CD with the force of all the 747s at the Boeing plant. Orcs Dont Know It is like Southern Culture On the Skids partying with Bjork at a Tool concert. This EP keeps the music pulse in the Jet City strong. URL: http://www.cakerecords.com E-mail: dave@cakerecords.com



xNew Monsoon - The Sound
Harmonized Records - HAR024
  Not sure that I want to pigeonhole New Monsoon as jam rock. Yes, there are elements there, but they pay more attention to the rock side of it than the jam. Wonderfully produced by original Santana drummer Michael Shrieve, Journey Man starts with a nice grove before unleashing wicked guitar solos. The title track displays the bands powerful rhythmic triad of drumset, Tabla and congas. Tight and talented musicianship combined with skilled songwriting highlight the music. URL: http://www.newmonsoon.com



xGary Reynolds & the Brides of Obscurity - Instant Happiness
Electrokitty Records - EK2005
  If David Bowie was reincarnated in Seattle and really got into the Doors, Black Crowes and others, he may sound like Gary Reynolds. Vocally very similar to the creator of Ziggy Stardust, Gary drives a fleet of vehicles to convey his words; from the bluesy rock of Landslide or Hurricane to the glamish Brit pop of Instant Happiness and somber but emotive ballad The Food Song. Very refreshing music that really garners your attention.
URL: http://www.garyreynolds.com E-mail: contact@bridesofobscurity.com



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